✨ Module 1: Identify gluten in food
Learn my 4 simple steps to identifying gluten in USA labeled products, plus get handouts and worksheets explaining it. (Including explanations on why we avoid certain ingredients and not others)
✨ Module 2: Identify gluten in alcohol
Learn how to buy safe gluten-free alcohol in the USA plus practice in a video simulation.
✨ Module 3: Identify gluten-free supplements and medications
Learn what to look for on supplements and medication labels to source safe gluten-free products. Plus get a handout to share with your pharmacist to simplify it.
✨ Module 4: How to buy gluten-free beauty products
what the research says, and when you actually need to buy them.
✨ Module 5: Basics of cross-contact
What actually counts as cross-contact, where our current recommendations come from, why there's so much confusing info out there, and why it matters.
✨ Module 6: What can & can’t be shared in kitchens
(based on research - don’t worry you don’t have to read any studies, I’ll break it down into simple terms for you). HINT: most people are doing this wrong if they’re relying on Facebook groups and Google.
PLUS some pretty helpful mental-load reducing bonuses…
Bonus #1 - Scripts for Contact Companies About Product Labels
Sometimes when reading product labels, you might need to contact companies about specific ingredients. You’ll get scripts to help you get clarity on if something is safe plus scripts for common confusing answers you might get from brands.
Bonus #2 - Send this to your host Video + eBook
A video and handout to send to your hosts to teach them how to accommodate you when you visit so you don’t have to take on the full load of educating and preparing loved ones to host you every. single. time. you go to visit.
Bonus #3 - Cross-Contact Cooking Demo Library
A library of 10 cooking videos + recipes walking you through how to cook food and prevent cross-contact if cooking in a shared home, meant to share with friends and family to help them learn how to cook safe food for you. (Recipes include Apple Pie, Cake, Pasta, Tacos, and more.)
And more...
But will it really help you? Here's another testimonial...